About Us
Gateway Equipment Parts & Services founded. Main operations established in Dalwallinu.
Open our first office, located in Midland.
Our main operations expand to 132 Sheffield Road, Welshpool.
Purchase of Tomcat Hardchrome Engineering business.
Our operations expand to 134 Sheffield Road, Welshpool.
We move into our purpose built facility at 110 Nardine Close, High Wycombe.
Milestone reached! 100 full time employees.
Why Us
Established in 2010 to offer a more affordable and customised approach than original equipment manufacturers, Gateway has quickly established itself as a reliable machinery parts supplier.
Our purpose built workshop in Perth (Western Australia) allows us to provide flexibility in our services and allows our customers an involved and specific approach to their machine and maintenance requirements.
Gateway not only prides itself on being a safe & enjoyable business for its employees but also as an important member of the local (and greater) community.
Gateway contributes to many worthy causes, some of these include the Oxfam Trailwalker, Ride to Conquer Cancer, Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, Australian Red Cross Blood Donation, Ride for Youth supporting adolescents with depression, a Philippines Typhoon recovery process, Make a Wish Foundation and Surf Life Saving Australia.
If you would like to know more about our community involvement, get in touch with the team.

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